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Disabling Right Click in Blogger or on Any Webpage

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In this post I shall explain how you can disable right click on your Blogger blog or any other webpage using a simple HTML code.

Isn´t it annoying if someone copies (and thereby steals) your blog posts, articles, images and any other kind of information created and owned by you and using it on their own site, claiming that they are the creators and owners of said content?

But 'disabling right click' might not be the right solution for this problem.
Most people come to your site to find useful information and only very few visit your blog or website with the intent to steal your ideas, articles, images, etc. So, the great majority of people may very well think that “disabling right click” is insulting and won´t return to your site. I, myself, think it is not a very professional thing to do.
The best way to protect your images without offend anyone is to add a Watermark (logo) of your sitename, your name or initials to the graphics, pictures, etc.

Important Note: Using this JavaScript code, you will disable the right click and visitors will be warned that the content is copyrighted. If you still want to add this feature to your site you can get the code here.

Now, where to paste it in Blogger ?

Sign in to your Blogger dashboad -–> layout --> Add a Pageelement --> HTML/JavaScript (look at the screenshots below)

disabling right click

disabling right click2

and paste the JavaScript code you got following the link above, then Save the changes.

How does it work?

If anyone right clicks on the webpage, a message will pop up on screen saying "function disabled". If this message is not to your liking and you want to change it to one of your own, like "sorry for the inconvenience....the work is copyrighted" or something like that, just replace the "function disabled" text with your own message in the Javascript code.



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